Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Price Gouging

I think some action needs to be taken by our government to help protect us from "Market Value" or basically "price gouging" us the consumer. I'll give you a few examples of items that are really unfair to consumers although there are many more.

1) Gas prices. We all know there is gas price gouging going on. Why can we drive from town to town and there can be such a huge difference in price? Come on now! At this point in time this should be a set price across the board. We as the consumer are getting killed on these high prices. We've saw a difference of .20 - .50 per gallon. That adds up!

2) Car Pricing. Now this one can get crazy with the newer "hot" models out for the year. A few cars this is currently happening with are the new Corvette ZO6 and Ford Mustang GT500. Dealers are marking these cars upward of 20k over the MSRP. Problem is that some rich Americans are buying these cars which keeps the prices like this. The average working Joe who "should" be able to afford the cars MSRP are being held back from owning a car of their dreams because of greedy dealers. Why shouldn't we as the consumer be able to make a purchase direct from Chevy or Ford? We can go on all day about car dealers on how they rob us.

3) Event Tickets. Scalping tickets has always been illegal but how many times do you see playoff or music event tickets going for $1000's over face value. Ticket brokers sell tickets at extremely high prices and it's considered legal. Who suffers? We do! Another thing just wrong in my opinion. Instead of giving us the consumer a chance to go watch a event they sell these tickets to brokers who legally bend over loyal fans. Unreal!

4) Event Vendor prices. When is the last time you were at a ball game and bought a beer for less than $6.00? or bought a $4.oo bottle of water? People we need to regulate some of this stuff!!! Where does it end?

There are many more examples and I'm sure I could go on forever. We need a change in this country to help regulate this price gouging frenzy. Why should we as the consumer have to pay such large amounts of money OVER the already marked up cost from a manufacture? Once they sell their item at its MSRP they have already made their money and now we have to deal with a insanely large mark up from vendors, car dealers, ticket brokers...etc etc. I know we live in a fair market environment but someone should draw a line in the sand somewhere don't you agree? If we as the consumers just sit back, we will continue to be taken advantage of, where does it stop? Something needs to be done. Open to hear your suggestions or comments.

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